Junk Shops, Communists, and Political Parties, Oh MY!
Decisions decisions. Another “most important of our lives” presidential election cycle is just days away from coming to a close. At least we hope.
And coming into the home stretch of this horses ass race, some folks must decide which candidate they will vote for. Will it be the Republican, the Democrat, the Libertarian, or the Green Party? OR will it be any one of the 1,218 actual candidates who’ve filed to run for president?
Yes, you read that correctly: One thousand two hundred eighteen registered candidates.
I suspect that once again, Democrats and Republicans are holding their noses as they vote. I do have a number of friends, actual and virtual, who have stated they will vote for the Green Party.
GREEN PARTY. Oh yes! Clean air, clear water, bushy forests, plastic-free seas…..Whoa! Hold on a New York nano-second! I’m kidding!
The Green Party is none of that. That party should be rebranded as the Communist Party.
Yes, you again read that correctly.
The Green Party presidential candidate is Howie Hawkins. He has been a member of the Socialist Party USA since 1973, although he describes himself as an “eco-socialist”, inspired by Marxism, anti-capitalism, and anti-private property, just to list a few. In 1993, he favored what’s called, “anarcho-communism” which also promotes the abolition of state, capitalism, wage labor, and private property, and promotes common ownership (READ, Government ownership) of production.
His VP running mate is Angela Nicole Walker, also a socialist, but seemingly one who wittingly or unwittingly, embraced capitalism (ooooh, strike me with lightening!) by deciding to be a bus driver rather than teacher because of more money. For shame!
Currently, she’s a dump truck driver. Socialist, of course. In 2014 she ran for sheriff as an independent socialist in Milwaukee County, Wisconsin. The frightening thing about that is that she actually won 20% of the vote.
That just goes to reinforce my belief that many voters in this country are simply too uninformed to be responsible voters.
The Green Party platform reads like a 21st Century Marxist/Communist party bio: Ecosocialist Green New Deal, Peace policies, Socialist economy, political democracy, social, criminal & civil justice, and others, none of which are economically feasible, nor doable in the ridiculous nine year timeframe listed.
So if your wife, husband, father, mother, significant other, or other other tell you they’re voting “Green” point them to the Green Party website, or perhaps, this nifty 1949 movie. I found the poster in a junk shop. You know, the kind the Green Party should be found in!
©️Rick Burnett Baker
October 16, 2020
Rochester, NY
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