MAGA And Up Yours!
If Trump’s sophomoric tweets and 4th grade mentality weren’t enough to antagonize normally rational humans, we have to deal with his followers.
While those on the left of the political spectrum often talk about how divided our country is, many of Trump’s supporters are working diligently to make that irrevocably so. This image is a case in point.
This post may come across as being a broad, sweeping generalization of Trump supporters, but having seen NO condemnations of this type of political sloganeering from more rational Trumpers, I’ll go with it and let my supposition stand. Frankly, this isn’t the kind of sentiment that I want to represent me as a citizen on a personal or national level, regardless of political party or candidate.
The grand idea that Trump himself might see and condemn this type of sloganeering is nothing more than fantasy. The sad reality is that he would probably agree with this 100%. I’d say to these Trump supporters, “You’re better than that!” The truth is, they’re not. Until I see a widespread condemnation of this type of rankish behavior, my opinion about Trump supporters stands.
It’s disturbing to think that a large percentage of Americans may think like this…Even more disturbing to think that they actually vote.
I’m tempted to say broadly, “We’re better than this.” The scary truth may be that we’re not.
©️Rick Burnett Baker
September 11, 2020
Rochester, NY
Sad but true. The lack of caring has always been there but having a crass, uncaring individual for president has emboldened the worst of us to flaunt their feelings.
Agreed, Vicki, and I can't help but wonder how prevalent this may be on all sides of the political spectrum.
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