Tuesday, June 2, 2020

White Privilege & Blackouts

White Privilege And Blackouts: 
Social Discourse In The Dark

[DISCLAIMERIf anyone, left or right of the socio-political spectrum are tempted to believe I’m advocating against wealth, or advocating FOR the redistribution of wealth as some kind of socialist agenda, DON’T.  Shut that thought down pronto. That isn’t what this screed is about.]

It seems that it's becoming an ethnic or racial fashion statement to admit to having ‘white privilege.’ June 2, 2020 was deemed by Atlantic Record executives Brianna Agyemang and Jamila Thomas as “Blackouttuesday” and given its own (un)social media hashtag badge. Social media users are encourage to make a post with a blacked-out  square, if you will.  One Facebook user declared, that among other things she was “…bathed in life-long privilege…. I will admit how little I really know…and need to be uncomfortable with this.”  In order to fit in, as it were, there will no doubt be myriad social media users who will display throughout the day (and probably ongoing) this statement of nothingness.

Self-depreciation, is yet another method of abdicating responsibility for actually getting involved and taking action(s) that might make a difference in others’ lives, regardless of circumstances, events, or race.  Let’s be real, folks:  Being “woke” isn’t a thing, it’s a soundbite.  Taking action(s) to right a wrong, or assisting others with their journeys through life is what matters, whether it’s through community service, charity work, or small private assistance to those or someone who needs it. Part of taking action is learning and re-learning our history as white people, and how we've been shaped by it, openly and even subliminally.  

In our 20th and 21st Century pop culture Atlantic Records has long been a major music player with signed artists from the sappy, milky white ABBA to lesser known artists such as Don Q, who profits off lyrics such as those in his song “I told you”: 

“…don’t front a nigga that you know…” 
“…I’m drippin’ my jewelry is fountained up
I choose bitches I get them and pile ‘em up.” 

One might question Ms Agyemang, and Ms Thomas as to whether those lyrics and thousands like them or worse, are yet another form of “privilege”  with its own hashtag. But that's not the subject of this essay. As for my previous comment about taking action(s), businesses that are also  participating in this so-called event have reportedly been encouraged to not buy or sell their products on June 2nd in a show of economic strength and solidarity. I can't quite fathom how that actually works, but never mind.  Spotify and other companies have announced that there would be an 8-minute and 46-second moment of silence on some podcasts and playlists during the day. (8min.,46sec. has been decided as the exact amount of time murdered citizen George Floyd had a knee on his neck by a Minneapolis cop.).  I assume Don Q’s and others’ rarified lyrics can be aired throughout the day, however, privilege notwithstanding. It’s unfortunate that the lyrics of thousands of Rap songs can’t be blacked-out as well.  

In an essay by Cory Collins, titled “What Is White Privilege, Really?” [Issue 60, Fall 2018. Tolerance.org], an attempt is made to define the term ‘white privilege’ by saying that having it isn’t racist, but that it exists  “…because of historic, enduring racism and biases.”  On the surface, one cannot dismiss this, but there is a flaw, in my estimation, to the premise, in that a defining, key component for historic racism (systemic), is absent as an important qualifier:  “Power”.  

Being white today or any day isn’t the problem.  The problem is in the fact that there were white Europeans who colluded with African tribes in the human trafficking trade for centuries, spreading slavery throughout the New World and elsewhere. Power, wealth and resources, including human resources, were, and to a high degree still are today, under the purview and control of what I'm calling Power Elites, most of whom, if not all, happen to be white. 

Without delving into a dissertation about ethnic disparities that have been leveled on every ethnic group to have come to the New World over centuries, suffice it to say that the general citizenry for hundreds of years has been indoctrinated into group think narratives pitting one group against another, creating divisions and tensions that serve to strengthen and perpetuate the progeny of those original Power Elites.  

In a nutshell, this ingrained, systemic racism, if you will, from whites - wealthy and not so wealthy - has stunted the intellectual development of society’s white plebeians, creating this seemingly never-ending ethnic divide that has caused this country hundreds of years of bitterness, grief, wars, riots, and hatred. 

Additionally, there is no privilege in having been intellectually subjugated by the same Power Elites who have subjugated US ethnicities from around the world, and throughout the world. This isn’t an excuse for white on Black, Hispanic, or Asian animosity and violence. It’s not an excuse for supremacists, anarchists, or any other group seeking to cause trouble. 

In short, wealth and power are key elements to applying indoctrination and control, be it social, religious, or political in nature. The vast majority of we Earth citizens have little of that wealth and power, but are systematically and continually indoctrinated in believing that we do hold power, at least here in the United States.  Fewer still  non-white citizens in this country have that wealth and power, and have been endlessly harassed by the  ‘privileged’ whites who, believing  they've been granted some kind of power,  don’t realized how they too, have been used by the Power Elites to do those Elites’ dirty work of ongoing social division and tension.  Social division and tension is one key to their holding power. Therefore, don’t be duped into doing their dirty work with this social division and tension.  Social division and tension keeps them in control of EVERYONE, regardless of ethnicity, and preserves their wealth and power.  These labels are but one tool being used in this overall preservation of power. 

The first action that white Americans should take in combating these ongoing ethnic divides is to recognize that what they’ve been taught as their history and past isn’t always true. Gasp!  Remember, white folks, learning and re-learning isn’t a bad thing, but denying the truth of our historicity is. Realizing that some truth has been twisted or withheld isn’t something to be ashamed of, but rather something that should awaken all citizens, especially whites, to seek solutions to an ugly problem we have in our society today.  

Blacking out your social media page for a day isn’t an action:  It’s an example of abdicating responsibility for learning history, and recognizing certain “leaders” or power elites, as the frauds and con artists that they are and have been for decades.  It’s an example of not paying attention to the process of voting and holding your elected leaders accountable. ALWAYS.  It's an example of paying lip-service, or in this case, "finger-service" to the problems of social justice. It’s an example of how you’ve been bought off with the toys you’re using to proclaim your “wokeness”  while the Power Elites nod their heads with approval. 

It’s an example of doing nothing. 

One final thought. A year or so ago, I heard it said that in any given discussion, debate, or dialogue, leveling the accusation of “white privilege” on someone was an effective and convenient way of shutting down a conversation; it was a method of not having to hear points of view that did not fit the prevailing or desired narrative. At the end of this screed, I’m providing a few of links to opinions/essays, that give other perspectives, and have within them links that one can follow to become more informed, cerebrating rather than emoting.  I realize that not everyone will agree with these ideas and opinions, but that’s irrelevant. 

Just opening the door to more than the prescribed ideology of the Power Elites as suggested above is at least a step in the direction to possibly taking more meaningful action than blacking out your Facebook or other social media pages.  

Thanks for the effort, Atlantic Records, but we’ve had enough blackouts to last a millennium. 




Rick Burnett Baker 
June 2, 2020

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