Let's set this part of the record straight right off the bat: I was not a supporter of Barack Hussein Obama, nor am I currently a supporter of the Obama administration.
But let's be fair where fair is due. I suppose this photo has been circulating by email and on blogs and websites since early November, but it just crossed my tiny little space of internet lala land. It has popularly been titled "The Crotch Salute". I've seen a couple of different captions attached to this photo, but the upshot is that the captions state that President Obama was not saluting or placing his hand over his heart while the national anthem played on November 11, 2009 during a memorial for those killed in the Ft. Hood terrorist shooting.
That is a lie.
This photo was taken during the Memorial Day service on May 25, 2009, in Washington, DC. President Obama had just walked onto the stage during the playing of "Hail To The Chief", and stepped into line as the song finished. It's that simple.
Here is a link for the C-Span video of the event:
Or go to C-Span and search the video link tab:
I don't care two craps for Republicans OR Democrats. I think they're all a bunch of scoundrels, liars, egomaniacs, and some are outright criminals. But if any individual, group, organization, or political party wants to stop the rapid socialization of this country, as well as the stripping of our constitutional rights, then actions, words, and images MUST be based in fact and on truth.
Republicans: You will not win elections by wallowing in lies and then circulating them through all forms of media.
Democrats: You will not maintain your control over the Executive and Legislative branches of government by wallowing in lies and then circulating them through all forms of media.
Citizens and voters: You will not regain control of our Constitution and Bill of Rights if you fall for every P.T. Barnum side show no matter how convincing the carnival barker may be.
Those of us who read all of this stuff online must carefully exercise due diligence before we hit the delete buttons of credibility. We should all develop better habits of researching what we read, before we absolutely believe.
If we don't at least attempt to find credibility in these stories, then we will all be left standing around scratching our crotches.
Rick B. Baker
January 13, 2010
Rochester, NY
© 2010 by R. Burnett Baker
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