Thursday, December 5, 2019

Get The Hell Out & Merry Christmas. I Think....

OUT. Get The Hell OUT!
And Merry Christmas! 

Let us pray:  "Dear Lord, please protect me from your followers. At least those in the United States of America." Amen. 

It's that time of year again, when (un)social media is ripe with greetings and salutations for the holiday -er- CHRISTMAS season.  (Never mind about the some 12 to 15 OTHER holidays that are celebrated between October and January all over the world, including the United States.) 

Let's not OH-Fend anyone, especially the Red-Blooded American Patriots who are defending us all from the perpetual imaginary war on Christmas. I've been hearing constant rants about how offended millions of people are by Christmas trees, and the flag, haven't you?  Millions!  So stupid. 

If you are tempted to share and post such idiocy as the example above, do those of us who cerebrate rather than emote a favor:  DON'T.  I'd say do yourselves a favor if you are wont to post such blather, but I'll go out on a Christmas tree limb and suggest that it's too late for you.  The lumberjack has already chopped that one down. 

It's simply astounding how many people in this country actually think like this, and it's not just the HOLIDAY season when such nonsense gets circulated. We're all constantly bombarded by this idiocy with the sanctimonious qualifiers such as, "BET NO ONE WILL SHARE THIS," or, "WHO'S WITH ME?" My personal pet peeve on (un)social media is when people post a meme that ends with one of the most annoying statements, "LET THAT SINK IN." 

We all have our varied reasons for being on Facebook. There's nothing wrong with expressing opinions, but must there be so many defensive types who are so damned insecure in their beliefs that they have to be arrogant, aggressive, and downright hateful?  

The meme above is laughable for any number of reasons, not the least of which is that what we now call a  Christmas tree pre-dates Christianity as far back as ancient Egypt, and the Roman Empire.  It was the 16th Century when Christians co-opted that tradition for their holiday.  And having the flag conflated with Christmas and Christmas trees is a new 21st Century abomination. 

The only thing missing in this meme are images of guns, guts, and the Confederate flag. 

Let THAT sink in!  

Merry Christmas, and Happy Holidays!

©Rick Burnett Baker
December 5, 2019