Friday, May 11, 2012

Dancing With Irony And Hypocrisy

Credit: AP Photo/ABC, Adam Larkey

Dancing With Bristol:  An Unreality Show 

This is going to be short and to the point.   

Bristol Palin, offspring of the right-wing's intelligentsia, Sarah Palin, has come out today with criticism of President Obama's  latest stance on same-sex marriage. 

 Today, Miss Palin spews out this wisdom, saying,  
 "...we know that in general kids do better growing up in a mother/father home. Ideally, fathers help shape their kids’ worldview."   This according to the Los Angeles Times.

Pardon me, but what the hell does Bristol Palin know about marriage? Yes, UNWED MOTHER Bristol Palin. 
Please explain this to me, and TRY to be serious when you answer. 

Rick Baker 
May 11, 2012 

©2012 R. Burnett Baker